Thursday, September 19, 2013

Today in En 10

Hope you all had a good time at the Playland field trip today.  I don't usually make a habit of posting homework, but here it is for today.

Welcome - Christian to our class

We talked a little about our upcoming Innovation Week.  It is very similar to what I call Genius Hour and below are some links to the background behind Genius Hour aka passion projects aka 20% time in education.

Can you apply Google's 20% Time to Education?

21st Century Skill

We also watched a couple of videos to help inspire our ideas and open minds to possibilities:

"Obvious to You, Amazing to Others" was the video shown at the grade assemblies last week to help get ideas flowing.

Today we watched 2 videos:  Caine's Arcade (Parts I and II)

Part II:

We discussed which skills he demonstrated and how did following his passion help him beyond the arcade (e.g.. school, life).

Next we did some brainstorming of ideas in small groups and shared amongst the class.  Innovation week will be your opportunity to develop a skill you have always wanted the time to explore or research something you have always wondered about.  There will be an application approval process but we want to encourage you to dream big.... move beyond your comfort zone, or Cardboard box as Caine might say.  We will be doing more of this as we get closer to Innovation week.

Short Stories:  with half the class missing - discussion of "God is Not a Fish Inspector" will occur Friday.

Instead:  today I assigned the reading of "North End Faust"  along with a Think Aloud chart aka reader response log.

I was going to assign questions, but instead I will keep them for further discussion in class.  You may wish to think about #1,2,5, and 6.

See you Friday - Have a great day!

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