Select 3 passages that you will be able to make connections with (text to text, text to self, text to world). These passages may be a particular sentence, paragraph or scene that grabs your attention and you need to be ready to describe the connection. Remember that we are not looking for literal connections.
Come prepared with these passages already selected as we will be using them for a discussion activity.
Block 2: Your task was to do some research on Genius Hour topic ideas and resources. Post some ideas on this Google doc: Genius Hour Resources and Ideas
Block 2: You were also supposed to look at some samples of writing to see the difference between Exceeds Expectations ("A" level) or Not yet Meeting Expectations ("I" level) for multi-paragraph compositions.
Here is the link for the Performance Standards and Examples in BC - you will need to scroll through them a few pages to find the samples.
For your reading enjoyment during the Holidays: Finish reading The Chrysalids
In January, you will have some multi-paragraph compositions, related to the novel, to write on your group blogs. At that time you will also be learning to give critical feedback to your peers in a constructive manner through comments on each other's compositions.
These comments will be done in the form of a "Constructive Sandwich" - start and end with a positive comment and "sandwich" your constructive advice between them. Remember good feedback comments will be specific, give examples, and done in a way that is respectful.
Review Austin's Butterfly if you need some reminders:
Alternate version with Mr Berger explaining the process to an adult audience (school board)
Part I
Part II
Then you will be working on your Final Project - this will be a Genius Hour Project. Before you go on break, you will have decided what you are doing and we will be working through the proposal process in class on Thursday and Friday. You will need to conference with me during the first week back in order to have your full proposal approved.
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