Thursday, May 29, 2014

Welcome to our Japanese Visitors….

Today is a great day to learn from each other and I wish I could be there with you.  

Mr D'Alfonso will welcome you and I hope you enjoy your visit to Fraser Heights.

What better way to get to know each other and our education system than to work together on a challenge! I know there will be some language obstacles but that will be part of the learning experience for everyone!  Have fun today!

Those of you with Japanese buddies - they will be your partners for this activity. The rest of you, partner with someone you have not worked with so far this semester.

Part I of your challenge:  
Your job today will be to work together to create your own illustrated 6 Word Stories in pairs!

What is a 6 word story you ask?

Take a look at this article and the samples:  "Illustrated 6 word memoirs"

Back Story:  For those interested

The "6 word story" is inspired by a challenge given to American author Ernest Hemingway 

Other samples - creative 6 word stories

This will be tough!  You only have 6 words to tell your story, memoir or message and then illustrate it in some fashion - drawing may be simple, use metaphor, symbolism, colour or not, to convey your message.

Since you only have one block - don't stress about the artistry - focus on creating and sharing your  message throughout the words and image(s) you choose.  At the end of the block you will put these up on the bulletin board nearest the book case. Tacks are in a container near the rolling cart by the couch.
I can't wait to see them!

Maybe some kind soul will take a few pics while you are working and post not the class blog for me to see? or email them so I can post them? (Just remember to ask permission before taking pics of people and ask if you can share them out publicly.  If the other person does not understand you, take pics without the people in them.)

Part II:  Gasp!  It is a "no tech" day for you!  We are talking blank white paper and pencil crayons only!  These are in the Trolley cart between the couch and the door :)

Who can list all the English Learning Intentions we will be addressing with this paired activity?  (Don't google the answer - think about the skills you will be working on). Comment here!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

News… change of plans

Hi everyone,
FYI: After class today I fell and sprained my foot, and it appears my sprained foot is going to keep me away from work until next week.  I will do my best to keep in touch via email and the class blog.  I know you will all be saddened to have to postpone your Genius Hour Presentations.  You will not get any more Genius Hour time to work on your projects, but if you need to make them really great, now you will have some extra time on Thursday. We will reschedule presentations when I return.
Be awesome for my TOC - I will know if you have been productive or not, naughty or nice ;)
For Wednesday:  Guess what!  You will now have a chance to complete a practice provincial exam in class!
Friday:  TBA but be Great Hosts and Hostesses to our Japanese students.  
Unless things need to change due to other circumstances...
Monday:  We will plan to reschedule Genius Hour Presentations.  You will not present Monday - but we will set dates and times.  
If you are volunteering with Japanese students or for Commencement this week - enjoy and be great Firehawk ambassadors for Fraser Heights.  If you are celebrating commencement with friends or family - enjoy!  Your turn will be soon enough :)
See you Monday!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

May 26 -30

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder:  Block order switch Tuesday 4321 till the end of the year

Genius Hour Presentations this week!  
Remember - everyone will be presenting this week! 

Don't forget to bring in a printed copy of your proposal (with the changes we discussed in conference) and rubric for me to make comments on as you present.

Sorry - I forgot the list of projects with times at school to post the schedule so everyone needs to be ready to go for Tuesday.  We will probably draw from a hat.  Unless you want to sign up here on the class blog via comments - I leave that up to you and your group members. I will check blog tonight and put in first come first served requests.

Looking forward to your fabulous presentations!  Also - I would like to film some presentations to share with other teachers and students, but only with your permission.  I often get asked for examples and some of our teachers are wanting to see examples of presentation too, but they can't as they are teaching.

Opportunity to sign up for days has now closed.

Here is the Schedule for Genius Hour Presentations:


Daniela, Sukhman, Jordan, Austin  (20 min)
John - 10
Alex C, Jonathan, Dantayne - 15
Anna - 15


Ronak - 10
Kia, Alex G, Victoria, Monika - 30
Lizzy, Eric - 30
Andy, Sean, Josh, Dylan - 15
Braden, Jessica, Andrew - 15
Jared - 10
Jeffrey, Eric, Jay - 15


Tiffany - 15
Vivien - 10

Finally - we welcome Japanese students to our class on Friday!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Story "God is Not Fish Inspector"

For those away and coming in late:

Last week you should have read "God is Not a Fish Inspector"

Answer the questions at the end of the story:  1,2,4

Take 2: Form to fill out for FaceTime Wednesday with Semiahmoo

Sorry - I did not do this correctly yesterday

Please have one person per project fill this out:  form

Each student should do the following:

In addition, think about the learning intentions behind why we are doing this with:
a) students not in our school
b) ELL students in particular

Hint:  Consider the learning intentions for our passion projects as well as all the skills (English and cross-curricular) that you will be working on during this exercise.

Fill out this Google doc with your ideas:

Facetime Collaboration Learning Intentions

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wed - update on film!

Hi everyone,

As you know, you will have a movie day today - Yay!

Report to class as usual - Mr D'Alfonso will take attendance and bring you to the theatre.  He will remind you to turn off phones - not head phones needed.  Pay attention to the movie - there will be follow up in class (Likely as a blog response).

PS:  message on the whiteboard for a few of you who did not come see me as agreed - unhappy :(
I expect to see you Thursday and will follow up with teacher for flex tomorrow. (This does not apply to most of you)

Warning:  I have told Mr D'Alfonso to take your phones away if you are using in theatre.

You don't need to take your books, bags or other stuff to the theatre.

Heads up!  You will not be excused at the regular break time, so don't ask - but you will be dismissed 10 minutes early for lunch to make up for this. 

Enjoy the Show!

PS  Reminder for Friday - come to class for attendance and to pick up your play book. Then we will go to the NLC room in the new wing for our Bard in the Classroom Workshop! No need to bring other bags or books!  Fun day again!  See… English is the best!

Friday, May 9, 2014

May 12-16 Exciting Week Ahead!

Exciting week ahead!

Don't Forget about Mother's Day! 

Flex Time:  Monday and Tuesday (might be another later in the week too)

Homework reminders:  We will finish our in class debates on what caused the car crash in the story " "Choices" by Susan Kerslake.

So far we have ruled out:

  • Ken plotting to kill Peggy
  • drunk driver
  • animal crossing the road
Today:  Car Malfunction beat the Driver Error/Reckless Driving Group and will move on to stage 2 debate on Monday.  Please complete the poll by Monday

Monday:  in class
Debate seizure vs heat stroke vs stroke
  • you will all be handing in your notes of the textual evidence you found to support all these reasons on Monday 
Multi-paragraph composition:  due Monday to be posted on your group blog before class
Answer question 3 at the end of your story:  
Does Ken show Peggy that he feels any sense of responsibility to her after the accident? Do you think he has any obligation to her?  Discuss.

I demonstrated how to break this question down so that you know you are fully answering the question - did you notice?  Why did I do this?

For example:  Discuss usually means address more than one position.  In this case you will need to:
  1. Introduce the question / provide context for the reader - Remember to write for an audience who has not been in our class or may not have read our story.
  2. Present multiple positions - this question lends itself to a "yes" side and a "no" side
  3. Offer your opinion in a concluding paragraph - why? The question asks you to give your opinion.  (remember to avoid "I think", "In my opinion,""to conclude" / "in conclusion",…
Lastly:  Please read "God is Not a Fish Inspector" before class on Monday.

Tuesday:  Genius Hour - peer review day
Come prepared to ask peers for specific feedback and collect evidence - specific questions will help.

Wednesday:  Double Block with Mr D'Alfonso

REEL CANADA - here at Fraser Heights!!!
Enjoy watching the film with the playwright and starring actor! 
More about this soon - I will try to link some resources and prompts, be prepared to ask questions.  It is a fabulous and rare opportunity - Thank you to Mrs Oakland for setting this up!
(PS  I don't want to hear any complaints about cell phone use during the presentation!)

Friday:  Bard in the Classroom

Time to get your Shakespeare on!  This will be an active workshop and I think we will be in the NLC room in the new wing - will confirm and let you know!

Genius Hour Presentations Next Week! (May 20 - 23) 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

flex today...

I am away today but Mr Miller will be open for flex at 11:15.  Check in with him - give him your name and what you are working on.  He can also help too if you ask. :)

Have a good day!