Friday, May 9, 2014

May 12-16 Exciting Week Ahead!

Exciting week ahead!

Don't Forget about Mother's Day! 

Flex Time:  Monday and Tuesday (might be another later in the week too)

Homework reminders:  We will finish our in class debates on what caused the car crash in the story " "Choices" by Susan Kerslake.

So far we have ruled out:

  • Ken plotting to kill Peggy
  • drunk driver
  • animal crossing the road
Today:  Car Malfunction beat the Driver Error/Reckless Driving Group and will move on to stage 2 debate on Monday.  Please complete the poll by Monday

Monday:  in class
Debate seizure vs heat stroke vs stroke
  • you will all be handing in your notes of the textual evidence you found to support all these reasons on Monday 
Multi-paragraph composition:  due Monday to be posted on your group blog before class
Answer question 3 at the end of your story:  
Does Ken show Peggy that he feels any sense of responsibility to her after the accident? Do you think he has any obligation to her?  Discuss.

I demonstrated how to break this question down so that you know you are fully answering the question - did you notice?  Why did I do this?

For example:  Discuss usually means address more than one position.  In this case you will need to:
  1. Introduce the question / provide context for the reader - Remember to write for an audience who has not been in our class or may not have read our story.
  2. Present multiple positions - this question lends itself to a "yes" side and a "no" side
  3. Offer your opinion in a concluding paragraph - why? The question asks you to give your opinion.  (remember to avoid "I think", "In my opinion,""to conclude" / "in conclusion",…
Lastly:  Please read "God is Not a Fish Inspector" before class on Monday.

Tuesday:  Genius Hour - peer review day
Come prepared to ask peers for specific feedback and collect evidence - specific questions will help.

Wednesday:  Double Block with Mr D'Alfonso

REEL CANADA - here at Fraser Heights!!!
Enjoy watching the film with the playwright and starring actor! 
More about this soon - I will try to link some resources and prompts, be prepared to ask questions.  It is a fabulous and rare opportunity - Thank you to Mrs Oakland for setting this up!
(PS  I don't want to hear any complaints about cell phone use during the presentation!)

Friday:  Bard in the Classroom

Time to get your Shakespeare on!  This will be an active workshop and I think we will be in the NLC room in the new wing - will confirm and let you know!

Genius Hour Presentations Next Week! (May 20 - 23) 

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