Monday, February 24, 2014

Where are all your "This I Believe" assignments?

Only 2 people have posted them so far?  Bit disappointed.  Come to flex please if you are not sure where to post.

Flex: Monday and Wednesday this week (11:15)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Parent-Teacher Conferences March 5

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder - please share with your parents:

This semester in English 10 we will be having student-led conferences where parents and students can come in any time, similar to an open house format.  This is why parents cannot make individual appointments with me on March 5.  Students will be putting together a portfolio to share with your parents your progress so far.  

I will be sending a letter home with further details next week.

Have a wonderful weekend - and don't worry.  These conferences are usually very well done and enjoyed by all.

Ms Lees

Monday, February 17, 2014

"This I believe"

Inspired by Amy Burvall's Theory of Knowledge class assignment titled "This I believe," our English 10 class will be creating short audio-visual versions that incorporate poetry in some fashion.  For example - maybe you add literary devices and techniques to your production, write in poetic form, play with sound devices used in poetry (e.g. rhyme, rhythm, onomatopoeia,...)  Images should enhance your message.  Remember to give credit for images that you do not create.

Here is a google doc from last fall with a list of varied "This I Believe" assignments to help you get started.  Use your creative juices and push yourself to try something new!

This I Believe Samples Fall 2013

Change in plans for Wednesday!

Today we had a few too many people away for good literature circle discussions.  We spent the double block working on "This I believe" assignments.

How to "hand them in" - they should be in digital form somewhere for Monday (Eg.  flash drive, google docs / Drive, dropbox, or posted on the class blog here: (This I believe Ms Lees' En 10 Projects)

Enjoy your pro d day sleeping in...

Monday we will have our literature circle discussions.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Poetry in Voice Competition

Some of you were asking me about it so I have linked to the Poetry in Voice website on the left sidebar under contests.  It is a poetry recitation contest - of course it is optional.  You may wish to watch some of the videos to get an idea how to vary your readings of poems.  I think they will be starting some rehearsals next week.  I will keep you posted.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Poetry in Voice Competition and next week

Hope you enjoy your long weekend and spend some time with your family on Family Day (Monday). Couple of reminders for next week:

> Tuesday - you will have a TOC and you will continue to work on your FH poem / song / anthem ????
                  what ever it becomes. How does Fraser Heights - the school or community define itself?

However,  we have a few new people to the class as well so here is a second option:

Create a poem / song / anthem on similar lines to Shane Koyczan's "We Are More" but change the topic to defining "Community" instead of Fraser Heights.  I am hoping we will have some completed drafts for Wed.

 Help please- I forgot to do 2 things that will need to be done on Tuesday - please remind the TOC if I forget to put it in the instructions;
1.  Collect your writing samples - good copy stapled on top of drafts/ process
2. Forgot to collect the numbers for your novels.

*Can one of you take charge of these 2 things for me on Tuesday pretty please?  If yes - tell me in comments.

Wednesday:  1 block poetry and 1 block Literature circles

First block:  Poetry - share drafts of our "anthems / poems"

Second block - make sure you have prepared chosen a quote to discuss with your group, and written a response with some questions to help you guide your discussion.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Examining the issue of Grades in Education - specifically reporting of Grades

This will be a long post (we have a few away and I want students to feel part of the class discussions)

Consider the following questions with regards to the grades reporting system.

Where do motivational theories and research studies connect with the changes being suggested in our current grade reporting system?
How much has our system changed and / or is it due for change?  (see the video by Sir Ken Robinson below)
Where is Surrey in these discussions?  

Read some of the recent posts by our new Superintendant,  Mr Jordan Tinney in response to questions arising from the original news reports a few weeks ago.

Links you may find useful:
Vancouver Sun - history of grading
Mr Jordan Tinney's first response post:  What do Letter Grades Really Mean?
Mr Jordan Tinney's second response post Preparing Students for the Real World
Institute for Critical Education Studies - blog post last April with some links to varied interviews and resources

In class we have begun a conversation around the recent news that Surrey and Maple Ridge have been piloting the practice of eliminating grades in reporting.  This topic arose from student queries and conversations in class on Monday.  Most had only spoken or discussed initial news reports, like the one above, which were brief in details.

We started with creating a chart including 3 columns on what do we know, want to know (questions reveal a lot about your thinking - sometimes more than responses), and collecting our findings and resources (notes and references). We are trying to reserve judgement until you gather a variety of sources, information, answers to your questions.

We also watched the video below in class which discusses recent research on motivational theory:

If you are interested in the longer Ted Talks by Daniel Pink that inspired the RSA Animate version above, here they are:

19 Min Ted Talk 

50 Min Ted Talk

He further explores these ideas in his book titled Drive 

Additionally - some of you are asking really good questions like: (these are only a few of the questions I can recall from today)

When and where did our current grade reporting system originate?
What exactly is the district considering changing and why?
Why are we considering changing the system now? What is the rationale behind this idea?  
Where are these ideas coming from?
Does changing our reporting system actually change our grading system?  
How might these changes positively and negatively affect student learning and students' future opportunities (post - secondary options)

I have indicated to the class, that conversations around assessment and reporting (which are different) have been happening globally for at least the last 10 years (system changes tend to take a long time).  We are just hearing about it in the news recently as shifts are starting to become more concrete.

Ted Talk that Inspired the above RSA Animate (21 minutes)
***There are some other talks by Sir Ken Robinson***

Monday, February 3, 2014

Course Outline - Expectations, Assessment,...

Please read and fill in this form with your parents by Friday February 7.

Is Texting Ruining our Language?

Here is your opportunity to share your ideas on today's discussion topic.

I have attached this google doc for the class to add their ideas and references.  This will help us continue the conversation tomorrow.  

***This is also one way for you to participate in class discussion where you may not have had a chance to do so orally in class.***