Friday, February 7, 2014

Poetry in Voice Competition and next week

Hope you enjoy your long weekend and spend some time with your family on Family Day (Monday). Couple of reminders for next week:

> Tuesday - you will have a TOC and you will continue to work on your FH poem / song / anthem ????
                  what ever it becomes. How does Fraser Heights - the school or community define itself?

However,  we have a few new people to the class as well so here is a second option:

Create a poem / song / anthem on similar lines to Shane Koyczan's "We Are More" but change the topic to defining "Community" instead of Fraser Heights.  I am hoping we will have some completed drafts for Wed.

 Help please- I forgot to do 2 things that will need to be done on Tuesday - please remind the TOC if I forget to put it in the instructions;
1.  Collect your writing samples - good copy stapled on top of drafts/ process
2. Forgot to collect the numbers for your novels.

*Can one of you take charge of these 2 things for me on Tuesday pretty please?  If yes - tell me in comments.

Wednesday:  1 block poetry and 1 block Literature circles

First block:  Poetry - share drafts of our "anthems / poems"

Second block - make sure you have prepared chosen a quote to discuss with your group, and written a response with some questions to help you guide your discussion.

1 comment:

  1. I will remind the TOC to collect our writing samples and the numbers of our novels
