Thursday, January 23, 2014

Help me share your Passions! (with other Genius Hour classes and Educators)

I thoroughly enjoyed your Genius Hour Presentations and I hope you did too!  As you know, I am a "connected" educator through Twitter and often colleagues are looking for ways to inspire or share Genius Hour processes and projects.  Often teachers are looking for student samples with varied strengths and weaknesses.

Here is where the HELP comes in!  I would love to have permission to share some of your projects (from photos, to videos to proposals or other research and reflection logs) with other teachers and classes doing Genius Hour in their classes.  Please see me or email me if you are willing to let me share with a wider district and global audience of Genius Hour Teachers.  

Specifically - I am looking for any examples you might be willing to share.  Even if you feel you did not do parts of your project as well as you could have, sometimes that is where the most learning occurs and your reflections will show this.

Please check with your parents to make sure it is ok with them - I will use first names, or no names, if you prefer for student safety and privacy.

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